Sometimes you need to prevent a change from happening, or cancel the execution of a potential change.
In my case, I had a <select>
dropdown, and by a certain criteria, the user was alerted (by a confirm dialog) about a destructive change to data.
If the user clicked cancel, I would obviously like to cancel the v-model change of the value. So here’s how:
<script setup lang="ts">
import { watch, ref } from 'vue';
// My variable which I want to keep track of or "revert" in case of cancel
const selectedTemplate = ref('');
// Store the previous value in a ref
const oldTemplateValue = ref('');
// Watch for changes to the v-model variable
watch(selectedTemplate, async(newValue, oldValue) => {
oldTemplateValue.value = oldValue;
function applyTemplate(e) {
const okToContinue = confirm('This change will overwrite the previously applied template. Continue?');
if (!okToContinue) {
selectedTemplate.value = oldTemplateValue.value; // Restore previos value
// …go ahead with the change
<select v-model.lazy="selectedTemplate" @change="applyTemplate">
<option value="" disabled>Choose template</option>
<option v-for="template in templates" :key="template.templateName" :value="template.templateName">
{{ template.templateName }}